Developing a Personal Relationship with Jesus

SCCS students make time to get to “Know Him”

Grade 8 Retreat St. Malo: “Our Personal Relationship With Jesus”

Grade 8 Retreat St. Malo: “Our Personal Relationship With Jesus”

On Friday, October 24th, the Gr. 8 Religion class bussed to the little town of St. Malo for their annual retreat held at the Catholic School of Evangelization.

The theme chosen for the retreat this year was “Our Personal Relationship With Jesus”.  This theme was selected because of its ability to provide a foundation for ongoing reflection by the Grade 8 students throughout the school year and will serve as the central theme for the Grade 8 Farewell Mass.

Upon arriving at St. Malo, the students from SCCS were warmly welcomed by young adult missionaries and high school volunteers, all members of the Catholic Outreach Team.

The following excerpts describe the overall experience in the students’ own words:

“They welcomed us, and after putting away all of our belongings, we split into small groups and were assigned a group leader. Lots of sharing went on in these groups, then we met back in the chapel area. In the chapel, we shared information, sang songs, and this set the tone for our day. After some more small group sharing, we headed over to the church, which was absolutely beautiful! There we sang more songs, listened to different speakers, had a meditation period, and then it was time for lunch!”

“After lunch, we headed outside to enjoy the beautiful weather and some team-building activities. Back in the chapel, we discussed our relationship with Jesus on a more serious level. Our final activity was a lot of fun because we got to go back outside and do some role-playing skits. We didn’t realize how many actors and actresses we have in our class!”

“Overall, it was a great day, with some good learning/sharing of experiences.”

Any family wishing for more information about student retreats coordinated by the Catholic School of Evangelization are encouraged to contact the coordinator Amber at or to check the website at

2014 marks only the second year that the senior SCCS students travelled to St. Malo. In the past, student retreats have been held at the St. Charles Retreat Center, at St. Charles Church and at the school.